Oil/Water Separator

An oil/water separator is used to separate oils, greases and other solids from water mixtures into their separate components. This allows for proper disposal.

water treatment oil separator

How We Can help

Oil/water separators ensure the removal of oil, grease and other solids so wastewater can be properly disposed of. At Alkean, we can assist you to ensure you are meeting any wastewater regulatory requirements prior to sewer discharge. We offer both above-ground and in-ground oil/water separators.

This is the simplest form of water treatment for separation of non-emulsified oils from water. It is ideal for:

  • Decanting systems to recover waste oil.
  • Pretreating prior to sewer discharge.
  • Treating above ground and in-ground systems
above ground basic separator
above ground treatment separator

Why Choose Us

Proper wastewater management can make the difference between meeting regulatory requirements or failing to comply. Here at Alklean, we have over 30 years of experience working with clients from various industries on developing custom solutions for their wastewater solutions.

Alklean has provided oil/water separators to numerous industries requiring compliance with wastewater regulations. Those industries include water treatment, waste management, automotive businesses, machine shops, refrigeration operations, heavy manufacturing and food processing.

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